Information for authors

How to submit a paper

To submit your paper, please follow these steps through the editorial system at

  1. The author submits an abstract for the paper using the provided form.
  2. Once the abstract is approved, the author will receive access details to the editorial system from the editors.
  3. The author uploads the complete paper and any related materials to the editorial system, which will initiate the review process. For more detailed instructions on writing the paper, please refer to the Manuscript Preparation section.
  4. The author will be notified of the review process outcome through the editorial system and the specified email address.

Published articles
Business Trends journal publishes original research articles, review articles, and expert commentaries. By submitting a paper for publication, it is understood that the paper has not been published or sent elsewhere for review.

The journal focuses on publishing original empirical and theoretical articles that enhance the comprehension of business economics and management issues, and their practical implications for both businesses and public institutions, as well as other organizations. Business Trends welcomes diverse research approaches in terms of methodology and learning about reality. The journal encourages the publication of various applications of business economics and management.

Manuscript Preparation 
The length of the paper should be up to 8 A4 pages, typically containing around 6,000 words, including tables. Authors are required to use Microsoft Word with Arial Narrow 12 pt font, single spacing, block alignment, and all margins set to 2.50 cm, with no page numbers. Paragraphs should be aligned in block format without indentation of the 1st line, and there should be a 6pt space before each paragraph. Text can be shifted using tabs. Citations should be given in the text following the APA format. Tables and figures should be placed directly in the text and numbered with titles. They should be left justified, with a font size of 10 pt and bold formatting. Below each right-aligned table or figure, the source from which the author derived the information must be indicated. Mathematical relationships should be expressed using the Equation Editor. Formulas should be identified by a number in round brackets, using Arial Narrow 12 pt font and right-justified next to the formula.

If the paper reports the results of a specific project, the project code, title, and the name of the funder (in italics) may be provided at the end of the paper. The following information must be included in the paper: full name(s) of the author(s), the name of the organization and its address, and the author(s)' e-mail address. Only one corresponding author is required, and the journal needs no biographical information.

Process of Evaluating Contributions
All papers published in Business Trends undergo a peer review process to maintain the journal's quality. The initial step involves the approval of the paper's abstract. Upon approval, the author can proceed to upload the complete paper and related materials to the editorial system. The journal editors will then assess whether the submitted paper aligns with the mission of Business Trends. Such approved submissions are subsequently subjected to an anonymous review by at least two independent experts.

Please note that a paper submitted for publication in the journal will not be published if a similar version has been submitted or published in another journal. By submitting the paper for publication, the author grants Business Trends the right to publish the paper if it is accepted in the peer review process.

We are pleased to inform you that publication in the journal is free of charge for the authors, and there are no page charges required.

Ethics of Publishing
Publishing in Business Trends requires adherence to general and ethical standards for all parties involved, including authors, editors and reviewers.

Conflict of interest
All authors are required to disclose and exclude any actual or potential conflicts of interest that could influence their work or create obligations to other individuals or organizations.

Declaration for Publication
By submitting a paper for publication, it is understood that the submission has not been previously published in its entirety, except in abstract form or as part of a lecture or academic thesis.

Submission of an article for publication also implies that all co-authors have given their approval for its publication.

The journal offers authors the option to publish their contributions in the form of Open Access. This means that all contributions are freely available and downloadable for anyone who reads and downloads the journal or parts of it. If an author includes any material in a paper for which they do not hold the copyright, they must obtain written permission from the copyright owner before publishing the paper in the journal.

By publishing in Business Trends, an author grants the journal a license to publish their paper after it is accepted as part of the evaluation process. Downloading papers from Business Trends is permitted for personal use and study purposes. For commercial use of a paper, permission must be sought from the Editor-in-Chief.

The publisher applies the CC BY-NC-SA license. This license allows others to non-commercially modify, improve, and create derivative works based on this work, provided they credit the author of the original work and that these new works are displayed under the same terms and conditions - under the same license. The author of the article retains the copyright and grants the publisher of the journal the rights to the contribution under the CC BY-NC-SA license.

Privacy Statement
Names, addresses, and email addresses published in submissions will be used solely for the purpose of publication and presentation in the journal. The editors will not provide this information to any third party.

Archiving Policy
Authors of articles published in Business Trends are allowed to archive the version before printing.
Digital archiving is provided by the Library of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen.

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